Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Monday Mate late!

Not posting 2 weeks in a row on a Monday, looks like 2013 is gonna be just as good as every other year.


Here's one of the newest members of Boulder - Niall! (pronounced Neil, which I keep fucking up, sorry buddy).

I was so happy with this one I haven't bothered to revisit or fiddle with any other approach. Done in one!

Think I captured Niall's attitude pretty spot on. What does everyone else think?

(trying to encourage people to feel free to post comments on the blog too)


Unknown said...

Ah that's a lovely little portrait. I'd say he'll be proud. Good job man. Keep 'em coming.

starry star said...

Aww NIall! He's gonna love it :)

Anonymous said...

this is great, I'm just surprised I'm not terrified in this

teehanwolf said...

Hey Hey, Glad you like it Niall.