Sunday, March 13, 2011

3d first shot.avi

So I've returned to 3d. Been a couple of years and about time. (says murray) Mick Plummer is training up some of us in work in Maya. And to be honest its the breath of fresh air I needed. Really enjoying just figuring out the program and stuff. This week he starts on rigged characters, so hopefully in a couple of weeks I'm doing some character stuff.

Anyway, this is my first stab at the good old bouncing ball. Still have to figure out some of the graph editor stuff in detail - but the little nephew is here now. So instead of finishing it, I'm now watching the gruffalo again.

1 comment:

tinylittlesandra said...

Looks better than my first attempt. I would.. could... never post my first attempt. So ashamed, I deleted it.