Sunday, January 30, 2011

NYCC 2010

 Went to the New york Comic con last year - to say I had a brilliant time is an understatement. There with a bunch of the "micks".

The eclectic micks are a group of comic artists that I'm friends with. The group are all talented fuckers and you should go check out the blog right away.

Any way. Here's the sketches I got over there - the first is a J. P. Leon -  the man is pure talent. Its probably my favourite sketch of the con. Pure Class. Leon is a part of The BLVD. more on that later.

Eric Larson sketch - one of my favourite spidey artists, i think i have his whole run on Amazing. While everyone was talking about Todd Mcfarlane, i thought Eric was knocking out far better stuff on the title.
Meeting Eric was great, he has the craziest way of holding a pen while drawing. Plus i watched him go through one of the worst portfolios I've ever seen and still try to be nice to the guy. (it ended with him telling the guy "you really need to learn how to actually draw")

Gabriel Ba - love his work. Really exaggerated stuff. More cartoony, so you can tell why I'd like him. Great guy. Him and Fabio had a queue of women trying to get photos with them.

Fabio Moon - Works with Gabriel a lot, similar styles. I love their stuff.

Bernard Chang - Bernard is part of The BLVD - a collection of brilliant artists that go to cons together. Love this wonder woman he did for me.

Trevor Goring - Loved chatting with Goring and his wife. Goring too is part of BLVD. He told me he wasn't a big fan of drawing sketches at cons, but i still got one out of him. He's working on a book about the history of story-boarding in film, and i cant wait to see it.

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